Lexus, the make that most was waited for in Germany, put forward the concept car super car LF-A, the concept model to four results of the development of the principle style L-finesse.
LF-A combined luxury and Lexus work of art refinement true with power and the dynamism super car two seats Performa high.His machine produced 500hp although his machine capacity less than five liter.This car also in the design was very unified with overhang front and behind very short with the front difficult balance behind very perfect, that very important to achieve the stability and handling best in the high speed.
In Frankfurt this Show Motor, Lexus also put forward the sedan saloon luxurious have an engine hybrid, Lexus GS 450h before being marketed next year in Europe.GS 450h was the Lexus model of the two that used the motive system hybrid after RX 400h.
The new generation of Lexus SC430 coupe-cabriolet also would debut in this exhibition.The change covered styling, the finishing of the interior and the installation of Adaptive Front Lighting System that beforehand has been to RX, GS and LS. System this enabled main light glance at was based on the speed of the car and the corner of the round of the wheel.
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