Saturday, April 30, 2011
The Vorsteiner V-PT Edition Panamera body kit

The Panamera V-PT embodies Perfection Redefined. Steeped in tradition, Vorsteiner produces performance minded aerodynamics while maintaining the core of our company values. The V-PT aligns with the classic style associated with Porsche while transforming the Panamera to an aggressive state of mind. Functionality melds perfectly into the components of the V-PT to give your Panamera the edge you desire.
All of the V-PT aerodynamic components are made using our state of the art pre-preg autoclave carbon fiber technology that is then finished off in a multiple layers of UV inhibiting automotive clear laquer. We have also used other exotic materials such as Titanium Forged Aluminum to continue on the uncompromising quality and uncompromising performance additions that encompass the V-PT package for the Porsche Panamera.
V-PT Front Bumper Cover
Functionality became the cornerstone of the V-PT kit, and our designers took extra care in making sure the shape of the front fascia maintained a balance of aggression and elegance. This element of design extends throughout the entirety of the exterior package.
The front bumper cover incorporates a splitter which has a removable carbon fiber insert. If there is ever an instance in which the splitter is damaged, the insert can be removed and replaced. To further align with our goal of adding functionality, we have created an optional carbon fiber duct to channel air into the factory radiator and intercoolers. This provides an option to display our high quality carbon fiber weave, or go with a more subtle look and hide the duct behind an aluminum mesh grill insert specially shaped to fit the V-PT air dam. The V-PT front bumper will lend a striking prowess to your Panamera Turbo.
V-PT Side Skirts
Vorsteiner’s signature high quality carbon fiber craftsmanship was seamlessly integrated into the design of the V-PT side skirts. The unique style allows for customization of the carbon fiber finish.
V-PT “Ducktail” Rear Spoiler
The V-PT Ducktail rear spoiler continues the performance-oriented design. The design of the spoiler conveys a sense of strength and style while keeping functionality in mind as its shape adds down force to the rear of the Panamera.
The factory electronic wing remains completely functional with the V-PT rear spoiler in place.
V-PT Rear Bumper
A key visual aspect of the V-PT package was achieved by sculpting a highly sophisticated rear bumper cover. It combines three major components. The first one is two vertical ventilation slits that aid in extracting heat from the exhaust system and trapped air behind the wheel arches.
The second component is the carbon fiber diffuser. It provides additional down force to the rear axel at Autobahn speeds. The final key design to the V-PT rear bumper cover is our newly developed sub-panel which replaces the factory felt unit. It ensures undisturbed airflow extraction through the V-PT rear diffuser.
V-PT Sports Exhaust System
The last piece of the V-PT package is purely about performance. The V-PT exhaust is constructed from a choice of stainless steel or titanium, the latter boasts a weight savings of up to 40% over the stock exhaust system.
Our main focus in designing this exhaust was to create a note that would give voice to the VPT. The unique growl is sure to strike a chord with any Porsche connoisseur.
The V-PT package is available now for all 2010-2012 Porsche Panamera Turbo through authorized Vorsteiner dealers worldwide.

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Friday, April 29, 2011
Nuevo Alfa Romeo TZ3 Stradale

Zagato presenta el Alfa Romeo TZ3 Stradale, un deportivo de edición limitada del que solo se construirán 9 unidades basado en el Dodge Viper ACR, facilitado por la alianza entre Fiat y Chrysler. El TZ3 Stradale estará dotado con el mismo motor que el Viper, un V10 de 8.4 L y 600 caballos de fuerza acoplados a una caja manual de 6 velocidades y suspeción de competición, cubiertos por una carroceria de fibra. El TZ3 Stradale es el segundo de los dos diseños de Zagato como tributo por el 100 aniversario de Alfa Romeo, que comenzo con la presentacion del TZ3 Corsa del cual solo se fabrico una sola unidad. Ambas versiones del TZ3 muestran una reinterpretación moderna del estilo de “cola cortada” que se ve en los modelos Alfa Romeo TZ y TZ2 de los años 60
Alfa Romeo
BMW ConnectedDrive Concept 2011
Este maravilloso prototipo es el potencial de la tecnología de los automóviles actuales y futuros, completamente integrado al mundo en red dando mayor conford, información - entretenimiento y saguridad.
Cuenta con varias capas de vinculación entre conductor, pasajeros, vehículos y medio ambiente, lo que permite una gran interacción con el entorno reflejandose en sus diversos colores de interacción.
A pesar de que es solo un prototipo esperemos que BMW llege a fabricarlos así como lo hizo con el BMW ED Vision.
Cuenta con varias capas de vinculación entre conductor, pasajeros, vehículos y medio ambiente, lo que permite una gran interacción con el entorno reflejandose en sus diversos colores de interacción.
A pesar de que es solo un prototipo esperemos que BMW llege a fabricarlos así como lo hizo con el BMW ED Vision.

Alfa Romeo TZ3 Stradale by Zagato
De obicei nu-mi plac masinile nascute din uniunea a doua filozofii total diferite. Spre exemplu, nu-s un mare fan al BMW-ului M1, care, dupa cum stiti, este cel mai bine descris de cuvintele 'italian looks, german engineering'. Probabil intr-o incercare de a gasti combinatia fericita, caroserierii de la Zagato Milano au conceput un automobil bazat pe doua filozofii mult mai indepartate; ca sa fiu mai exact, combinatia este de-a dreptul socanta. Eu merg chiar mai departe, si afirm ca acest automobil este oximoronul intregii lumi auto. Explicatia este foarte simpla: componenta tehnica vine de peste Ocean, mai precis de la un Dodge Viper ACR. Si, dupa cum bine-stim cu totii, americanii, oricat ar incerca, nu-s capabili sa gaseasca secretul manevrabilitatii si agilitatii unui automobil supersport. Asadar, in viziunea mea, forta bruta a Viper-ului si manevrabilitatea precara a modelului american, se bat cap-in-cap cu agilitatea pe viraje specifica firmei Alfa Romeo. Pentru mine, a cumpara aceasta masina este sinonim cu a manca otrava dulce.
In alta ordine de idei, uitandu-ma peste fotografii, nu pot sa nu remarc frumusetea caroseriei Zagato. Ca de fiecare data, italienii reusesc sa impresioneze prin design. Daca prin cine-stie-ce manevre, Marchionne va reusit sa impuna un design asemanator viitorului Dodge Viper, bolidul american va deveni un succes instant. Daca va amintiti voi bine, americanii au facut promisiuni mari legate de urmatorul Viper.
TZ3 Stradale vine in completarea gamei exclusiviste Alfa Romeo, dupa TZ, TZ2 si TZ3 Corsa (lansata la Concursul 'Villa d'Este'), si este unul din cadourile oferite de catre Zagato, cu ocazia aniversarii continue a Centenarului Alfa Romeo. Din cele 9 masini programate, pana acum au fost vandute doar trei (una in State, una in Europa si una in Japonia). Asadar, daca vrei sa ai in garaj o castigatoare la Miss Univers care stie o infinitate de metode de a te ucide, da o fuga in Milano, scoate la inaintare perechea de ochi frumosi insotita de o servieta cu bani si s-ar putea sa primesti una din cele 6 TZ3 Stradale ramase.
[Sursa : Autoblog]
Alfa Romeo,
TZ3 Corsa,
TZ3 Stradale,
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